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Innovative defence against airborne transmission

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Innovative defence against airborne transmission

21st Feb 2022 in Animal Health, Dental, Healthcare

A spokesperson from Eschmann warns that while the government might be dropping COVID restrictions we still need to be cautious about infection and pollution control in healthcare settings.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that infection control needs a more holistic approach to be truly effective at keeping everyone safe. While measures such as surface disinfection, the wearing of PPE and sterilisation of instruments provide adequate protection from a significant variety of bacteria and viruses, one aspect of disease transmission that has traditionally not been considered in any detail is the threat of airborne transmission.

At Eschmann, we understand that airborne transmission is a significant threat, which is why our Novaerus air disinfection units have been especially developed to provide reliable, consistent protection for all.

As more patients enter the practice and aerosol generating procedures are performed, the potential for pathogens in the air increases, especially during colder months when opening windows and doors may not be practical. While ventilation has been proven to provide some protection against airborne pathogens, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has, since evaluating the threat of Coronavirus, suggested that air disinfection devices should be used in conjunction with ventilation in order to provide the best possible defence.

Traditionally, air disinfection devices work by trapping airborne pathogens in filters, removing them from the air flow. However, this doesn’t necessarily solve the problem. Different viruses and bacteria will have different particle sizes, meaning that some may slip through the filters and remain in the air flow.

Novaerus Protect air disinfection units use cutting-edge NanoStrike Technology – innovative functionality that combines multiple concurrent inactivation processes to ensure next level defence against disease transmission.

NanoStrike Technology deactivates and destroys pathogens at a DNA level. Combining UV technology, heat radiation, osmotic pressure and electroporation by electromagnetic fields, the device not only traps pathogens but actively prevents them from reproducing.

This destroys pathogens with a multi-pronged approach to ensure that all air dispelled by the system is sterile and safe. Threats are eliminated in the blink of an eye and the full air cycle for a space is achieved in as little as one hour, depending on the size of the room.

Beyond pathogens the UK government has identified air pollution has the greatest environmental risk to the general public, with an incredible 28,000 to 36,000 deaths attributed to poor quality air every year. Novaerus units also filter pollutants and other contaminants from the air, and they don’t need regular filter changes or produce any harmful by-products, making them safe for the most vulnerable members of society 24/7.

Novaerus Protect systems come in a range of sizes specifically designed for different environments. The Novaraerus Protect NV200 works best in spaces up to 80m3, while the Novaerus Protect NV800 offers exceptional defence in areas up to 220 – 260m3 so there is always a suitable option available.

The units can be free-standing, fitted to a wheel stand or wall-mounted, and they are so simple to use requiring minimal installation and using low-energy levels, that they are an effective and affordable option for all. Novaerus units can be purchased or leased, offering an affordable solution for every budget and size of practice.

To find out more about air disinfection, and view more clinical references on Novaerus, click here.